Becoming a Student-Leader


We are so pleased that you’re considering applying for a student leadership position at Westmont. We anticipate that your involvement in student leadership will be a highlight of your Westmont experience. It is our hope that your in-class learning is deepened and practiced through your student leadership role. To provide you with the best experience possible, we have leadership training development sessions that you will participate in as a student leader. Please carefully review section 2, which outlines these sessions and the expectations regarding your participation and attendance.

If you are interested in leadership, but unsure of which position is the best fit for you, please review section 4, where each leadership organization and position is described. If you still have questions, please email the Campus Life Office at and we can meet with you one-on-one to help you narrow down your options. You are invited to apply for more than one position, although if you are offered more than one position you will need to select one. We’d encourage you to refer to section 5 for tips and suggestions on successfully navigating the application process courtesy of the Career Office (COVE) .

Most student leadership positions are accompanied by stipends. The stipend amounts vary depending on the time commitment and responsibilities of the position. Please contact the Campus Life Office if you have any questions regarding stipends.

You will find the common application button at the bottom of website. Most applications are due on Tuesday April 1 unless otherwise indicated in the chart in section 4. Once the application is submitted you will hear from an organizational representative within two-three weeks of the application deadline with further information or to schedule an interview. We wish you the very best throughout the application process.


Angela D'Amour, Dean of Student Engagement


Your presence is required at the following events and trainings. Please mark these dates on your calendars now and make necessary arrangements to be available for these important sessions. I agree to attend the following sessions:

  • O Team Training: Two Fridays in April from 3:30-5:00pm
  • O Team Training & Orientation: Friday, August 22 - Sunday, August 31. [Please schedule travel and arrivals to campus accordingly]


  • I agree to make this leadership role a priority outside of the classroom and to attend all of the trainings listed above
  • I understand that some campus commitments such as being an RA and certain student athlete roles require time commitments that conflict with student organization leader requirements and are therefore incompatible
  • During the application process I will report any time commitments or positions that require more than 10 hours a week including but not limited to Chapel Band, Young Life, off campus jobs and internships so that organizational advisors can determine if the commitments are compatible with student leader positions
    • Advisors will make final decisions that support students’ academic, personal, and spiritual well-being.
  • I will be enrolled as a full time student at Westmont for the duration of my leadership position.


  • I agree to honestly discuss my situation with my advisor if I am experiencing any difficulty upholding the guiding principles of the student leadership covenant
  • I agree to respond to correspondences in a timely fashion (within 24 hrs.)

Organizational advisors will hold students accountable to the expectations listed above for the benefit of the student and the organization in which they serve. Failure to abide by the expectations listed above may result in a verbal warning, a written warning or removal (temporary or permanent) from a student leadership position. Consequences depend on the impact to the individual and the community.


Academic Standards Policy

  • Applicants to student leadership positions must have a minimum 2.3 GPA.(WCSA 2.5 minimum)
  • If a current student leader's GPA falls below 2.3, the student will be required to meet with their organizational advisor or supervisor to discuss the situation and determine whether the student will be allowed to continue to serve in the role. It is the advisor or supervisor's responsibility to make this decision.

Conduct Standards Policy

  • Students on Student Life probation or Deferred Suspension status are generally not eligible to apply or serve as student leaders. Contact us if you have any questions.
  • If a current student leader violates the community life statement or Westmont's behavioral expectations, there will be a conversation between the student, their student conduct officer, and their organizational advisor or supervisor to discuss the situation and determine whether the student should be permitted to continue to serve in the role. A joint decision will be made by their student conduct officer and advisor. 

For example, as outlined in the community life standards I will:

  • Choose to embrace God-honoring diversity
  • Choose sexual purity, modesty and celibacy outside of a marriage covenant
  • Choose to abstain from the use of alcohol & illegal drugs
  • Meet the chapel attendance requirement

Social Media Policy

  • Westmont students leaders are held in high regard and are seen as role models in the community. Student leaders have the responsibility to portray their organization, Westmont, and themselves in a respectful and constructive manner and to uphold the Community Life Statement.
  • Social media is a visible platform that is easily accessed by fellow students, faculty, staff, media, future employers, and community members. Students will not engage in inappropriate, harassing, demeaning, threatening, or offensive behaviors while participating in either personal organizational online communities.
  • Further, no posts should depict or encourage unacceptable, violent, or illegal activities.
  • If a current student leader engages in in appropriate online posting there will be a conversation between the student and their organizational advisor or supervisor to discuss the situation and determine whether the student should be permitted to continue to serve in the role. **

**Student Life staff members will not actively monitor students' personal online communities, however we will respond to information that we receive related to inappropriate postings.

By submitting a leadership application, you are authorizing Student Life Staff members to have access to review your grade point average.


Your presence is required at the following events and trainings. Please mark these dates on your calendars now and make necessary arrangements to be available for these important sessions. I agree to attend the following sessions:

  • Spring Leadership Kickoff: Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 7:00 - 8:30PM
  • Fall Leadership Retreat and Training: Wednesday, August 20 - Sunday, August 31. [Please schedule travel and arrivals to campus accordingly]
  • Spring Training: Saturday, January 10, 2026, 9:30AM - 5:00PM
  • Leadership Lunches: Every Other Tuesday, noon-1PM


All year long student organization leaders will be enrolled in the one unit APP:062 Leadership Skills/Fieldwork course. This course utilizes class and organizational discussion, leadership trainings and assigned reading in combination with a student leadership role to fulfill an Applied Studies credit. This course will challenge students to think critically about their leadership within a student organization on campus. 


  • Submit brief on-line monthly reports identifying tasks accomplished and hrs worked
  • Maintain and respect office space keeping it clean and orderly


  • I agree to make this leadership role a priority outside of the classroom and to attend all of the trainings listed above
  • I understand that some campus commitments such as being an RA and certain student athlete roles require time commitments that conflict with student organization leader requirements and are therefore incompatible
  • During the application process I will report any time commitments or positions that require more than 10 hours a week including but not limited to Chapel Band, Young Life, off campus jobs and internships so that organizational advisors can determine if the commitments are compatible with student leader positions.
    • Advisors will make final decisions that support students’ academic, personal, and spiritual well-being
  • I will be enrolled as a full time student at Westmont for the duration of my leadership position.


  • I agree to honestly discuss my situation with my advisor if I am experiencing any difficulty upholding the guiding principles of the student leadership covenant
  • I agree to respond to correspondences in a timely fashion (within 24 hrs.)

Organizational advisors will hold students accountable to the expectations listed above for the benefit of the student and the organization in which they serve. Failure to abide by the expectations listed above may result in a verbal warning, a written warning or removal (temporary or permanent) from a student leadership position. Consequences depend on the impact to the individual and the community.


Academic Standards Policy

  • Applicants to student leadership positions must have a minimum 2.3 GPA. (WCSA 2.5 minimum, Peer Coach 3.0 minimum)
  • If a current student leader's GPA falls below 2.3, the student will be required to meet with their organizational advisor or supervisor to discuss the situation and determine whether the student will be allowed to continue to serve in the role. It is the advisor or supervisor's responsibility to make this decision.

Conduct Standards Policy

  • Students on Student Life probation or Deferred Suspension status are generally not eligible to apply to serve as student leaders. Contact us if you have any questions.
  • If a current student leader violates the community life statement or Westmont's behavioral expectations, there will be a conversation between the student, their student conduct officer, and their organizational advisor or supervisor to discuss the situation and determine whether the student should be permitted to continue to serve in the role. A joint decision will be made by their student conduct officer and advisor. 

For example, as outlined in the community life standards I will:

  • Choose to embrace God-honoring diversity
  • Choose sexual purity, modesty and celibacy outside of a marriage covenant
  • Choose to abstain from the use of alcohol & illegal drugs
  • Meet the chapel attendance requirement

Social Media Policy

  • Westmont students leaders are held in high regard and are seen as role models in the community. Student leaders have the responsibility to portray their organization, Westmont, and themselves in a respectful and constructive manner and to uphold the Community Life Statement.
  • Social media is a visible platform that is easily accessed by fellow students, faculty, staff, media, future employers, and community members. Students will not engage in inappropriate, harassing, demeaning, threatening, or offensive behaviors while participating in either personal organizational online communities.
  • Further, no posts should depict or encourage unacceptable, violent, or illegal activities.
  • If a current student leader engages in in appropriate online posting there will be a conversation between the student and their organizational advisor or supervisor to discuss the situation and determine whether the student should be permitted to continue to serve in the role. **

**Student Life staff members will not actively monitor students' personal online communities, however we will respond to information that we receive related to inappropriate postings.

By submitting a leadership application, you are authorizing Student Life Staff members to have access to review your grade point average.

The Campus Life Office seeks to cultivate life-long Christian leaders by providing students with relevant co-curricular programs, services and engagement opportunities that strengthen their integrity, faith and commitment to thoughtfully serve others.

Christian leadership (as described in Timothy 3: 1-13 and Titus 1: 5-9) involves a call to model selflessness for the good of the larger Christian community. Therefore, all student organization leaders will be supported and encouraged to live and lead with integrity and faith.

Students applying for positions within ministry and mission groups (Potter's Clay, Urban Initiative, Emmaus Road) as well as within WCSA & Orientation are expected to read and sign the following Statement of Faith: 

  • I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior
  • I personally embrace Christian beliefs that are based on God's teaching in Scripture
  • I am committed to pursuing a relationship with God in which I am growing and developing as a follower of Jesus Christ

Students who aspire to leadership but who do not identify as Christ followers are invited to apply for organizations that encourage, but that do not require a Christian faith commitment.


OrganizationPositionsApplication DueContact Person
OrientationOrientation Committee, O-Team Members

Committee: Nov. 5, 2025

Team: March 1, 2025

Madison Miyakawa, Associate Director of Campus Life
COVE Career CenterApril 1, 2025Lori Ann Banez, Director of COVE Career Center
Center for Student SuccessPeer CoachApril 1, 2025Sandra Edgar, Student Success Coach, Peer Coaching Program Coordinator
Westmont Leadership Development ProgramParticipant [this program runs in January and February for a cohort of first year students]November 28, 2025Angela D'Amour, Dean of Student Engagement
Emmaus RoadTeam Lead + Operations, Business + Fundraising Lead, Publicity + Marketing Lead, Programming + Travel LeadApril 1, 2025Kelley Funk, Assistant Director of Campus Life for Ministry and Outreach
Urban InitiativeTeam Lead + Operations, Business + Fundraising Lead, Publicity + Marketing Lead, Education + Programming + Travel Lead, Local Teams LiaisonApril 1, 2025Kelley Funk, Assistant Director of Campus Life for Ministry and Outreach
Potter’s ClayTeam Lead + Operations, Business + Fundraising Lead, Publicity + Transportation Lead, Health Clinics Lead, Children's Ministry Lead, Mercy Ministries Lead, Mercy + Children's AssistantApril 1, 2025Kelley Funk, Assistant Director of Campus Life for Ministry and Outreach
Westmont College Student AssociationPresident, Vice President, Business Manager, Communications Manager, Diversity and Equity Manager, Academic Liaison, Hall SenatorsMarch 1,  2025Angela D'Amour, Dean of Student Engagement
Westmont Activities CouncilWAC business manager, Event Coordinator (4 positions), Publicity CoordinatorApril 1 2025Madison Miyakawa, Associate Director of Campus Life
Intercultural OrganizationsBusiness Manager, Leaders and Co-Leaders (there are 6 different organizations)April 1, 2025TBD,  Director of Intercultural Programs
Spring SingThe Spring Sing Committee is selected in the Fall by the Campus Life Coordinator and the Spring Sing Producer.Dec 1, 2025Caleb Marll, Campus Life Coordinator
Martin InstituteResident Chaplains (RCs). Please click here for more information.March 1, 2025Mariah Velasquez, Associate Director, Martin Institute


Editor-in-Chief: responsible for the editorial staff, writers, photographers, and weekly publication of articles.March 1, 2025Angela D'Amour, Dean of Student Engagement


Editor-in-Chief: responsible for the editorial staff and the publication of the annual yearbook.April 1, 2025Angela D'Amour, Dean of Student Engagement


Editor-in-Chief: responsible for the editorial staff and the publication of the year-end literary magazine.April 1, 2025Angela D'Amour, Dean of Student Engagement

Learning to present yourself professionally is an important leadership skill. The COVE Career Center (Career Opportunities & Vocational Exploration) suggests you try some of these techniques to improve your communication and presentation. Contact the office directly for one-on-one resume reviews, interviewing techniques and self-assessment inventories.

Step 1: Know Yourself

Career Development & Calling has many resources to help you with self-assessment, including, personal vocational counseling, and a variety of assessment tools that will help you better understand and communicate your personality, skills, interests and work-related values. Call 565-6031 for an appointment.

Step 2: Know the Job

Research the organization, department, office that you are considering applying to. What skills, strengths, experiences will contribute lo their success? Read the job description carefully and think about how you fit the requirements. Unsure of how to start your research? Conduct an information interview with someone from the department or office.

Step 3: Shape Your Resume to the Position

An effective resume is not a generic document but is custom made for a particular position and reader. The more you know about the job (see above) the more you will know about how to craft your resume. A good resume communicates: “I know what you are looking for in the way of skills, experiences, qualities, etc., and here they are.” Be sure and have several people read your resume for content and errors (there can’t be any!).

Step 4: Prepare for the Interview 
Get the Successful Interviewing handout from our office (upstairs KSC) and go through the 50 interview questions which will help you answer any question an interviewer may ask. Our office offers interviewing skills workshops throughout the year, and we are available for “mock interviews,” which is probably the most useful preparation possible. The best advice we can give: practice, practice, practice!

Step 5: Follow Up

After an interview, set yourself apart from the other candidates by doing the following: Send a personalized hand written thank you cord to your interviewer. lf there is more than one interviewer, you may send one to each individual or send one and address it to both.

If you haven’t heard after a week (unless they specify that it will take them longer), call and inquire where they are in their process and ask if you con provide other materials to help facilitate the process.

COVE is here to help you in any aspect of the application process. Go to Handshake to schedule an appt. or stop by our office in the upstairs KSC.

Christian leadership (as described in Timothy 3: 1-13 and Titus 1: 5-9) involves a call to model selflessness for the good of the larger Christian community. Therefore, by accepting a leadership role at Westmont I will seek to:

Matters of Integrity:

  • Live publicly and privately in a manner that is consistent with my commitment to Christ and the relationship that I have with him
  • Honor God with my intellect by being fully engaged in my academic study and seeking to maintain or improve my GPA while serving in my leadership role
  • Act on what I believe is right, even when there is a cost involved
  • Humbly acknowledge and admit mistakes
  • Tell the truth and communicate as openly and honestly as possible

Matters of Faith:

  • Participate in a local Christian church
  • Listen to the voice of God in Scripture
  • Communicate with God in prayer
  • Maintain a perspective that God is in control and respond to challenge and difficulty with hopefulness
  • Honor the principle of the Sabbath by intentionally taking time to be still and listen to God

Matters of Team Work:

  • Consider how my decisions will impact my team and those around me and not just myself
  • Attribute the best motives to others and seek to build one another up
  • Listen carefully to others and determine what there is to learn from ideas and perspectives different from my own
  • Engage in constructive conflict resolution by addressing issues promptly, directly and peacefully
  • Ask for and be open to receiving feedback in order to grow and learn

Student Leader Application

Please read the important information on this page before applying.  If you have any questions, please contact Angela D'Amour (

Student Leader Monthly Report

Student leaders complete the following form at the end of each month.